Our team is ready to help you book your short or long stay apartment in Amsterdam. Questions, requests or comments? Please let us know; we’d love to help you. We will get back to you as soon as possible. 

Naritaweg 51
1043 BP Amsterdam
The Netherlands
+31 (0) 20 820 00 66

Route description

Route description


From The Hague (A4/A10)

  • Highway A12 towards Amsterdam.
  • Take exit A4/E19 towards Amsterdam.
  • Then take exit s103 in the direction of Haarlem.
  • Take exit s103 Haarlem. Follow this road for 700 meters.
  • Turn right onto Radarweg, turn left at the traffic lights onto Arlandaweg.
  • Turn right again onto Barajasweg. You will find Amsterdam ID APARTHOTEL after 180 meters on your right.

From Utrecht (A2/A10)

  • Freeway A2 towards Amsterdam.
  • Take exit E35/A10 in the direction of Amsterdam.
  • Then take exit s103 in the direction of Haarlem. Follow this road for 700 meters.
  • Turn right onto Radarweg, turn left at the traffic lights onto Arlandaweg. Turn right again onto Barajasweg. You will find Amsterdam ID APARTHOTEL after 180 meters on your right.
  • To park your car, take the first parking garage, Orly Center N2, on your left. You can park your car in the parking spaces of ID APARTHOTEL.

By public transport
ID Aparthotel is ideally located right next to Sloterdijk Station. Here you'll also find the metro, train or bus that will take you fast to your destinations in Amsterdam and beyond.

In-house parking is available in the secure parking garage below the hotel. To park your car, take the first parking garage, Orly Center N2, on your left. When you enter the parking garage Orly Center N2 for the first time, press the "ID APARTHOTEL" button so the front desk can open the gate for you.


In-house parking is available in the parking garage beneath the hotel. This is a secured parking garage. To park your car take the first parking garage Orly Centre N2 on your left- hand side. When you enter the parking garage Orly Centre N2 for the first time push the button ‘Amsterdam ID Apartments reception’ and the reception will open the gate for you.

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